"Why make it so difficult for yourself, when the same image can be painted in oils on a similarly-sized canvas in only a fraction of the time?" asked the Dutch sculptor, Auke de Vries, on a visit to Roswitha.
Rob Krier: Thoughts on a dying handcraft, Berlin, April 2011.
"Window and daylight seem here to be caught in passage through the web of these unusually gratifying meetings of material and illusory worlds."
Ann Holyoke Lehmann: On Roswitha Grützke's Window Tapestries, Berlin 1991.
Roswitha Grützke takes a great deal of care in selecting her subjects. In many hours of painstaking effort, she firstly attempts to grasp the architectural details she wants to depict using sketches and photographs. Only then does she set about their conversion to tapestry.
Julius Grützke, Berlin 1997
Taken from: Roswitha Grützke: Gewebte Bilder 1982 - 1999 , Tübingen/Berlin 2000..
"...all of these impart a feeling of calm, joy, surprise and the desire to take another look and to be dumbfounded anew. One could be forgiven for believing that hushed music can be heard in the background.
What more can one want from works of art?"
Ernst Wasmuth, Opening of the exhibition at Modus Möbel, Berlin 8.12.2000
"The images breathe the cosiness of large, daylighted rooms; stairs and passageways lead the viewer into ever more new, illusionary rooms."
Martin Fitzenreiter, Exhibition announcement Giesserei Flierl Berlin, Februar 2007.